Are you one of the over 11 million Americans who owe the IRS back taxes? The IRS temporarily suspended most collection efforts during the first wave of the coronavirus pandemic through its “People First Initiative.” This initiative expired July 15, 2020.
The IRS is now ready to go after delinquent accounts again. However, the agency recognizes that substantial numbers of taxpayers cannot pay what they owe right now. To help them, it has promulgated a new Taxpayer Relief Initiative.
The new Taxpayer Relief Initiative is relatively modest in scope, but it can be a big help if you owe the IRS.
Among other things, the new initiative gives you an extra 60 days to pay off a tax bill. You now have 180 days instead of 120 days to make a lump sum payment of all you owe.
The initiative also makes it easier to obtain, keep, and modify installment agreements with the IRS. These allow you to make monthly payments over several years.
If you owe $50,000 to $250,000, you may even be able to obtain an installment agreement without the IRS filing a tax lien on your property—something that has never been possible before.
The IRS is also stressing that it will help taxpayers who have already entered into installment agreements or offers in compromise with the agency and who are now having trouble making their payments.
You may also be able to get IRS penalties reduced or eliminated.
Whatever you do, don’t ignore a tax bill from the IRS. And never feel you’re helpless when confronted by the IRS collection juggernaut. You always have options, no matter how much you owe.